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Oak Tree Primary School

Andrea Clarke

Andrea Clarke

Andrea Clarke (Co-opted Governor)


 I first joined the governing body as a parent governor at Queens Road Primary School in 2001. At that time my two daughters were in Years 4 and Reception. My passion for working with children led me to working with children with Special Educational Needs on a part time basis, working with children from Nursery to Year 6. Following completion of an NVQ level 3 in Childcare and Education I was able to secure the position of Teaching Assistant at
Queens Road Primary on a full time basis.

Following my appointment I then became non-teaching staff governor where I have sat on both the Teaching and Learning and the Buildings Committee. I held the position of Development Governor for a number of years responsible for the induction of new governors and for the training requirements of the board.

Following the amalgamation of Queens Road Primary School and Orrishmere Primary School I became a Co-Opted Governor on the Oak Tree Primary School Governing Board.
I attend the Teaching and Learning Committee meetings where I have the role of SEND Governor and have become SEND Champion.

My work at school is incredibly rewarding. I have  the privilege of working with hard working and enthusiastic children daily as well as working with a dedicated team of colleagues. I live school life on the front line on a daily basis and am able to share the realities of this experience with my fellow governors.


Andrea is our SEND Champion governor and is a member of the Teaching & Learning Committee


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