Teachers have high expectations of all pupils and, as a result, all pupils continually produce work of a high standard.
Teaching and learning is evaluated using a triangulation of evidence from a cycle of monitoring activities completed by the subject leaders and other members of SLT. This includes book looks, lesson observations, drop-ins and pupil/teacher voice opportunities. Outcomes are regularly reviewed and CPD is tailored to enhance quality teaching and to continue to develop the subject inline with the most recent educational research.
At Oak Tree, we use a variety of AfL (assessment for learning) strategies and summative assessments to assess children’s understanding throughout Maths lessons and ensure that misconceptions are picked up quickly. Verbal feedback is given to children throughout the lesson in order to build on pupils’ strengths. Our marking and feedback system ensures that feedback is purposeful and children’s responses enable them to practise, consolidate or stretch their learning through the use of adult, self and peer assessment. Children respond promptly to feedback and this is captured and evidenced through the use of purple pen in their books. In-the-moment marking gives immediate feedback to children and the use of mini plenaries enables any misconceptions to be addressed in a timely manner.