Lucy Galloway
Lucy Galloway (Co-opted Governor)
I became a co-opted governor in November 2017 and I am also Chair of the Premises and Resources and Premises Committee. I have lived locally to the school for the past twenty years, and I also have two daughters who attended Oak Tree and have moved on to high school.
In my professional role I am a qualified management accountant currently working at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust managing the finances for research and innovation. In previous finance roles I have worked for Manchester Mind, and the University of Manchester supporting the senior leadership team on all finance and budget matters.
I am also very interested in wellbeing and complementary therapies along with the importance and benefits they bring to both work and personal life for everyone young and old. I feel this is even more important due to the unprecedented times we are all now living in, and the mental health challenges that so many people face.
I am honoured that I have the opportunity to use the experience and skills gained in my job, and my perspective as a parent to play my part within the governing body.