High-quality grammar and punctuation teaching is contextualised and is taught to enable the pupils to adapt their writing to create an impact on the reader.
Grammar and punctuation are usually taught as part of the sequence of learning for English. High-quality texts are selected to ensure specific grammar and punctuation are modelled for the children. These texts are chosen as a result of assessing what the next steps are for our current cohort of children. The sequence is then carefully planned to ensure these next steps are targeted and achieved by the end of the unit. Very occasionally, some grammar and punctuation teaching may be taught discretely if a link to the text cannot be made.
In Early Years and Key Stage One, learning to correctly spell words is closely linked to the sounds they are learning in Little Wandle. Children in Year 2 also follow the 'Rising Stars' spelling scheme, which covers all sounds and spelling rules from the appendix of the National Curriculum. In Key Stage Two, children follow a structured scheme called ‘Emile'. Word investigations are promoted through the use of spelling journals and spellings are practised weekly using a range of different strategies.
At the start of every unit of work, pupils are given spelling lists, which include common exception words and text-related words, which are the focus for the sequence. We have high expectations for spelling and expect children to copy spelling accurately, whenever they are displayed.