Our topic for the Autumn term is Toy Story
In English we will be solving the mystery of the missing toys! We will use the story Toys in Space by Mini Grey to help us write simple sentences and character descriptions. Later on in the term, we will use the film Toy Story as a stimulus for writing exciting adventure stories.
In Maths we will be looking at one to one correspondence and place value of numbers up to 10 and 20. We will also be looking at addition and subtraction within 10, using a range of resources and methods to support us.
As Geographers we will be exploring the Geography of our school and answering the question 'Where in the UK is Oak Tree Primary School?' We will go on a walk around the school and then create sketch maps of our classroom and corridor. We will then look at the human and physical features of Cheadle Hulme.
As Historians we will be learning about toys from the past and comparing them to toys we play with now. We will be using a range of primary and secondary resources to help us sequence the history of toys on a timeline dating 1900 to our present day.
As Scientists we will begin to explore seasonal changes (which will continue over the course of the year). In autumn 1, we will be identifying and labelling the parts of a tree and learning all about deciduous and evergreen trees. In the second half of the term we will begin to look at materials and their properties. We will answer the question - What is the best material to use for a raincoat? by completing an investigation.
As Computer specialists (in Computing) we will be solving problems using programmable toys. We will use that a programmable robot can be controlled by inputting a sequence of instructions. We will develop and record sequences of instructions as an algorithm. We will program a robot to follow our algorithms and will will debug programs.
As Artists we will looking at the artist Wassily Kandinsky and will create artwork using primary and secondary colours.
In RE we will be learning about Christianity and answering the question, 'Who is a Christian and what do they believe?'
As Musicians we will be learning to keep the pulse through music and movement, by exploring our favourite things. We will clap and copy different rhythms, sway and tap in time to the pulse and copy rhythms using an instrument.
As Engineers (in DT) we will be preparing fruit and vegetables using simple utensils and equipment.
Here are some websites that you might find useful:
Top marks - counting maths games and number bonds to 10 games
Phonics Play - a mixture of phonics games that help practise blending, segmenting and sound/letter recognition
My Maths - a login code will be provided by your class teacher