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Oak Tree Primary School


The teaching of Religious Education at Oak Tree has a positive impact across the school and wider community. It unites the children because they are able to make links between their own and their friends’ lives and those of others in our community and the wider world. They adopt and develop behaviours, attitudes and the skills needed to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues.


The success of our Religious Education curriculum is measured through regular assessment; both throughout and at the end of a unit of work. At Oak Tree teachers use a bank of meaningful and manageable formative assessment tools to support planning and assessing lesson outcomes e.g., exit tickets, prior/post knowledge, quizzes, RECAPS, flashbacks, end of unit assessemnt activities and child voice.


Other forms of assessment include the scrutiny of children’s work/class book, formal and informal lesson observations, discussions with pupils, and displays. End of key stage outcomes and progress are tracked each year and monitored by the RE subject co-ordinator.


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