Our topic for Summer Term is Growing!
In Communication and Language Development we will continue to develop our speaking and listening skills. We will begin to speak in longer sentences and ensure we are taking turns when sharing our thoughts and ideas. We will learn more number songs and lots of minibeast songs too!
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development we will continue to encourage the children to talk about their feelings and emotions. We will be working on how to resolve conflicts when they occur without always needing an adult. The children will also begin to think about changes as we start transition work ready for their move into Reception. We will be working hard to build our resilience and independence to become 'Reception Ready!'.
In Physical Development we will continue to work on our pencil and scissor grip. We will be doing lots of name-writing practise and begin to explore new letters too! We will develop our gross motor skills by doing lots of outdoor climbing, running, throwing and catching. As the days get warmer, we will be transporting water and digging in the soil. We will continue to build our hand muscles through our 'Dough Disco' activities and 'Squiggle while you Wiggle' videos. As the sun begins to shine, we will be taking the children over to the adventure playground.
In Literacy we will continue to explore new vocabulary from our variety of exciting stories. In phonics, we will be work on identifying an object based on the initial sound. The children will be tuning their ears into sounds. We will be introducing the tales toolkit to the children where together we have to compose a simple story. We will be introducing the tales toolkit to the children where together we have to compose a simple story.
In Maths we will be consolidating our knowledge of numbers to 6 and beyond. We will represent these numbers on a five and ten frame. We will continue to 'say what we see' when subitising different numbers. As we begin to move lots of our maths learning outside, we will be exploring key mathematical language linked to weight, capacity and position. We will explore height in relation to Growing and we will be sequencing the days of the week when reading The Hungry Caterpillar and Jasper's Beanstalk.
In Understanding the World we will be talking about the changes involved in growing. We will look at growth in animals, people and plants. We will be learning about how to take care of things when helping them to grow. The children will be planting beans and looking at the life-cycles of different animals. We will be learning about mini-beasts and going on our own minibeast hunt around the school grounds.
In Expressive Arts and Design we will be doing lots of seasonal art including making representations of flowers, mini-beasts,