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Oak Tree Primary School


Our topic for Summer is Let’s Get Growing!


In Communication and Language Development we will be focusing on our listening and attention skills and work on making comments about the things we hear. We will continue to tell our stories using ‘Tales Toolkit’. We will use the Magic Story Box and travel into Story World to find out about how to help Farmer Flat Cap and his animals.


In Personal, Social and Emotional Development we will be continuing to learn how to manage our feelings and emotions. We will also be learning how to keep ourselves safe and care for others. We will continue to think about being a good friend and being kind. We will be exploring ideas about what makes us special and the different clubs and communities that we belong to and realise that even if we are different to our friends we also have lots in common. As we come to   finishing our time in Reception, we will start to look to the transition up to Year One and look forward to finding out about our new classrooms and teachers! 


In Physical Development we will be focusing on coordination and movement. We will also be working on our Athletics and Striking and Fielding skills with our Sports Coaches in our weekly PE lessons. We shall develop our Gross Motor Skills when playing on our Adventure Playground and building with the crates in our Outside Area. We will develop our fine motor skills through our Rainbow Challenges, handwriting sessions and Dough Disco!


In Literacy we will continue to read and write simple sentences. Our Drama and Narrative Immersion work will be linked to ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and we will be helping Farmer Flat Cap who needs help with his farm animals and growing crops. We shall be writing instructions, making posters and retelling stories using Tales Toolkit. In Phonics we will be focusing on reading and writing Phase 4 words as well as revisiting Phase 3 sounds and tricky words.


In Maths we will be continuing to recall number bonds to ten and use known number facts to help solve problems. We will also continue to develop our understanding of numbers to 10, including the composition of each number. As part of our number work we will also be looking at money and making amounts in different ways, including beginning to count in 2s 5s and 10s. We shall use Number Blocks to help us with our Maths work!


In Understanding the World we shall be learning about farm animals and we will be visiting Smithills Open Farm to see some of the animals we have been learning about! We will also be exploring the life cycles of butterflies, frogs and plants. In our classrooms we will be watching our own caterpillars transform and we will be planting sunflower seeds. We will be learning about different religious groups and we will look at Eid and how it is celebrated. To celebrate the King’s Coronation we will explore the Royal family and attend a special Coronation Day picnic!

In Expressive Arts and Design we will safely use and explore a variety of tools and techniques to design our own seed packets to help create our own farmers’ market to role play in. We will share our seed packets and explain the process we have used  to create them. We will continue to develop our drawing skills by making observational drawings of sunflowers and we will explore the life and work of the artist Van Gough. We shall also further develop our painting skills exploring colour and shape to paint butterflies.


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