At Oak Tree our intention is that all children recognise the benefits of behaving politely, respectfully and as part of a community. We aim for all of our children to develop skills of empathy, understanding and the ability to take responsibility for their actions. We do not use the term "naughty" but we do talk about the "right behaviour choices".
Our intention is that our children leave us with an understanding of how to make, mend and maintain relationships with both adults and children.
Relationships, relationships, a school there can not be a great enough emphasis on the importance of positive relationships between staff, children and parents.
We implement our intentions through our behaviour policy which highlights the importance of high expectations and positive language, recognising that true positive praise will always have a far more significant impact than negative comments. We give praise and rewards in a variety of ways and use a restorative approach to reflecting on behaviour choices. We also recognise that for some children the mainstream policy is not enough and devise systems and processes which will give them the opportunity to succeed.
The impact is that our children behave well, they are engaged and involved in their learning, they play well together and care for each other in the playground. They know that they have members of staff who they can talk to, they understand the importance of reflecting on incidents and understanding events from the perspectives of others.