Welcome to Oak Tree Primary School
A message from our Headteacher:
Welcome to our website and our school,
I am really proud to welcome you to Oak Tree Primary School and our school website. I do hope that the website gives you a flavour of the ethos and culture of our school.
Nothing, however can really replace a visit to the school, to meet staff and children and to get a true sense of the school and its warm atmosphere.
We would encourage all prospective parents to ring the school office to register on one of our many school tours where you can meet senor leaders, see the school at work and ask any questions you may have.
We are committed to ensuring that Oak Tree Primary School is a community school with the special warmth and very positive outlook that is so important to us.
We believe that positive relationships are the bedrock of a successful learning environment for our children, who must feel happy, safe and secure to truly achieve their potential, both academically and socially. We are a school which challenges, excites and encourages our children to be the very best that they can be.
The relationship between school and parents is key to our children achieving their best and this is why we have numerous parent volunteers, we host parent information evenings and invite prospective parents to attend tours of the school during the school day. We believe that “positive parent participation” in school is invaluable to children’s progress and happiness in school.
At Oak Tree, we have a vibrant and hardworking parent-teacher association called ROOTS (Representatives of Oak Tree School) who arrange many events for both children and parents to enjoy whilst also raising money for the school.
In a nutshell the staff and senior leaders of the school are totally committed to providing the children of Oak Tree with the very best education possible within an inclusive and supportive environment.
I hope that you find our website useful.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Christine Slater
Our School core values are:
Tolerance, Respect, Equality, Empathy, Responsibility, Honesty and Friendship.
Our School vision is that you will see:
Happy and self-assured children, safe in the knowledge that they will be treated with warmth and respect, that they will be listened to and be heard.
Children who feel confident enough to “have a go” and challenge themselves where glass ceilings are removed.
Enthusiastic and engaged children who feel challenged and supported in their learning as well as excited by the creative curriculum which they have contributed to.
Smiling, welcoming staff, confident in their roles knowing that they are well supported, and valued as an integral part of the team.
Supportive and engaged parents who are confident in the knowledge that their children’s emotional well-being and self esteem is being nurtured and developed.
Proud parents who recognise the academic progress their children are making because they are kept fully informed about their child’s progress and they feel part of their child’ learning journey.
Our School aims are:
To provide a secure, happy and stimulating environment in which children will be well motivated to learn.
To value each child in their own right irrespective of ability, gender or background and to provide them with the opportunities of access to curriculum and to give each the confidence and motivation to meet challenges at work and leisure.
to develop and foster children’s self esteem to enable them to take their place in society and to help them to understand and carry out their responsibilities as citizens.
To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the needs of all children, providing opportunities to think logically, critically and creatively and where they are enabled to work independently and cooperatively to fulfil their potential.
To demonstrate and foster a positive attitude towards work and to recognise and respect one another’s achievements.
To value each person’s contribution to our school and to work together to achieve excellence.
To teach and foster self discipline and respect for people, property and all forms of life in order to achieve and maintain high standards of behaviour and good relationships.
To nurture the children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development, providing opportunities to acquire and discuss personal values and beliefs enabling them to understand, respect and value those of others.
To work with parents forming a partnership based on trust and mutual understanding in the best interests of the children; to form and foster links with the local and wider community.
To make the best use of all available resources to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Our strap line is:
Achieve Together, Aspire Together, Grow Together