Safeguarding statement:
At Oak Tree Primary School the whole school community have a crucial role to play in noticing indicators of possible abuse or neglect and referring them to the correct persons or services for support and intervention. Everyone working or volunteering at this school is trained to recognise signs of concern and in line with this policy, must report concerns following school and local authority procedures. Staff and volunteers are updated on safeguarding issues frequently across the year – by the DSL. These updates include learning from serious case reviews and local learning reviews on how to improve practice to prevent children from harm.
In our school we believe that the welfare of every child is paramount, and we take safeguarding very seriously. At all times we collectively work to ensure that the child is at the heart of all our decisions and that we act in their best interests.
The Multi-Agency Safeguarding and Support Hub (MASSH) is the single point of contact for the public and professionals to report concerns, request advice and share information about a child and or family.
Members of the public
If a child is at immediate risk of harm call the police on 999.
If you're a member of the public who has a concern about a child’s welfare, call 0161 217 6028. Select option 1.
If you're a parent or carer seeking support for your child, call 0161 217 6028. Select option 2.
Meet our Safeguarding Team: