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Oak Tree Primary School

Medium Term Planning

Throughout the teaching of each unit of work, we have an ambitious aim for all the children to learn facts and information about different religious concepts and traditions (believing), show their understanding of the knowledge by expressing it in different ways (expressing) and develop personal viewpoints and opinions so they can make connections between the knowledge and their own/other people’s lives (living). 


These three big ideas are represented by visual logos that help the children to understand and recognise the different types of knowledge and skills that they are learning and applying in each lesson.


Lesson plans for each unit show the learning outcomes, which specifically relate to the three big ideas of knowing, expressing and living. They highlight the key knowledge and skills that the children need to acquire in order to fully understand and answer each key question. We are currently in the process of developing a child friendly and accessible way of sharing these outcomes with the children by referring to them as ‘steps to success’.


'Steps to Success'


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