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Oak Tree Primary School

Stockport SEND

We work closely with Stockport SEND Team and we are working to support the Stockport SEND improvement programme which brings together all the agencies in Stockport which provide special educational needs and disability (SEND) services for children, young people, their parents and carers, with representatives from those who use the service.


This programme was formed following the Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) joint inspection of SEND services in our local area. You can find out more about our journey below.

If you would like to get in touch with the partnership team, you can email


As a school, it is extremely important to us that, as experts in your child, we value the impact on outcomes of co-production with parents and professionals. Our commitment to the Stockport Co-production Charter underpins this and we strive to work together to build a package of support together. Please click here to find out more about our pledge to Stockport's vision for the future of co-production.


Stockport have a monthly SEND newsletter for all children, young people, families and professionals working with special educational needs and disabilities. The Stockport SEND Newsletter goes out at the beginning of every month keeping you updated on the most recent information and updates around SEND in Stockport. Use the link below to access previously published issues.


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