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Oak Tree Primary School


Our topic for Autumn 1 is SUPER ME!


In Communication and Language Development we will be focusing on our listening and attention skills and work on making comments about the things we hear. We shall become avid story tellers using ‘Tales Toolkit’. We will be introduced to the Magic Story Box and travel into Story Land to find out about how to help Supertato prevent the Evil Pea invasion!


In Personal, Social and Emotional Development we will be learning how to get along with each other and learn the rules and routines of school life. We shall read the book ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today?’ and think about what we can do to be kind to the people that we encounter.


In Physical Development we will be exploring balance and coordination with our Sports Coaches in our weekly PE lessons. We shall develop our Gross Motor Skills when explore our Adventure Playground and build with the crates in our Outside Area. We shall develop our fine motor skills through many activities and in our Dough Disco!  


In Literacy we will be starting our Phonics! We will learn our first 20 sounds and start to blend words for reading. We will read the story ‘Supertato’ and start to think about our own super powers! We will begin to represent our ideas on paper, sometimes using letters.


In Maths we will be looking at numbers up to ten and begin to compare them. We will be developing our Number Sense, beginning to subitise numbers to five. We shall begin to explore what happens when we add one more to a number. We shall use Number Blocks to help us with our Maths work!


In Understanding the World we will be finding out what makes us special. Who is special to us? What things are special and unique about us? We will be looking back at baby photos of ourselves and thinking about the changes that have happened to us since then. We will look at the changes in our environment, noticing the weather and changes in the Seasons. We will be recognising familiar places around school.


In Expressive Arts and Design we will be starting to draw pictures of ourselves and the things we see. We will use simple tools such as scissors and glue sticks. We shall explore simple rhythms and beats in music.


Read more Letters


Read more Dates