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Oak Tree Primary School


Our topic for Spring is Hot and Cold Places!


In Communication and Language Development we will be focusing on our listening and attention skills and work on making comments about the things we hear. We shall become avid story tellers using ‘Tales Toolkit’. We will use the Magic Story Box and travel into Story World to find out about how to help the lost penguin.


In Personal, Social and Emotional Development we will be learning how to manage our feelings and emotions. We will also be learning how to keep ourselves safe and caring for others. We will continue to think about being a good friend and being kind. 


In Physical Development we will be exploring balance and coordination. We will also be working on our Net and Wall skills with our Sports Coaches in our weekly PE lessons. We shall develop our Gross Motor Skills when playing on our Adventure Playground and building with the crates in our Outside Area. We will develop our fine motor skills through our Rainbow Challenges, handwriting sessions and Dough Disco!


In Literacy we are going to be learning our Phase Three sounds and tricky words. We will continue to read words and write simple sentences. Our Drama and Narrative Immersion work will be linked to ‘Lost and Found’ and we will be helping a penguin who seems to be lost. We shall be writing fact files, letters and retelling stories using Tales Toolkit. 


In Maths we will be learning number bonds to ten and start to recall these.  We shall also be learning to share objects into groups and start to think about doubling and halving numbers. We shall use Number Blocks to help us with our Maths work!


In Understanding the World we shall be learning about animals that live in cold places. We will be thinking about the North and South Pole and thinking about what the environment is like. We shall be comparing this to Africa and finding out about some of the animals who live there. We will also be thinking about what places are special to us, and start to explore places of worship.

In Expressive Arts and Design we will be continuing to develop our drawing and painting skills drawing African animals and painting penguins. We will also be experimenting with tools, texture, colour and materials to create winter and warm backgrounds. We will explore and role play the role of a vet.


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