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Oak Tree Primary School home page

Oak Tree Primary School


At Oak Tree one of our key teaching and learning principles is that children learn best when………..their learning is being evaluated and assessed and they are clear about what they need to do to make improvements. 


Our teachers continually engage in the assess, plan, do, review cycle reflecting on how the children have progressed and what their areas for development are.


This understanding of our pupils is achieved by:-


  • Listening, observing, questioning and focused feedback
  • Ensuring our feedback provides clear guidance for the next steps in learning 
  • Giving the children opportunity to reflect on their work and respond to feedback, returning to their work and making improvements
  • Ensuring staff have strong pedagogical knowledge to be able to identify the next steps in learning
  • Regularly moderating work across age groups, departments and whole school
  • Recording and analysing all significant and relevant assessment data and using it to identify patterns in learning
  • Developing children’s ability to critically assess and review their own work and that of their peers
  • Planning regular opportunities for observations and focussed assessment
  • Maintaining agreed records of children’s progress and attainment
  • Being clear that the purpose of all assessment is to inform planning and accelerate pupil progress



Children will undertake a number of statutory assessments from the Department of Education during their time at primary school. More information about these assessments can be found using the links below. As a school we will provide more information about these with you as your child reaches that stage.

Reception Baseline

Y1 Phonics Screening Check


Y4 Maths Times Table Check



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