Oak Tree Curriculum Design
The Oak Tree Curriculum is underpinned by our core values and key aims which were developed by staff with contributions from children and parents. We are committed to developing the holistic child, preparing Oak Tree pupils for life in the 21st century world developing their skills of collaboration, independence, resilience, initiative and ability to take on challenge. Throughout the children's school experience we build their understanding of the beauty of the diverse world we live in and teach children the importance of respect and tolerance. We want our children to learn in practical situations through fun, engaging and motivating experiences. Children are encouraged to pose and respond to their own questions in an environment where the teacher is the facilitator of a broad range of purposeful learning activities. To enrich the curriculum we organise a range of trips and visits as well as utilising our own school environment and the local community.
We have carefully mapped out our curriculum striking a balance between the acquisition and retention of knowledge and the development of children’s skills which continually build, strengthen and deepen connections, thus helping to develop children as life-long learners with a passion and ability to make links and question. At Oak Tree we are committed to delivering a curriculum which ensures that all pupils aspire to be the very best they can be, becoming responsible, caring, empathetic individuals with the knowledge, skills and thirst to become successful life-long learners.
We strive to ensure that the curriculum overcomes all barriers to learning e.g social disadvantage, SEND, disability, EAL so that all pupils achieve their full potential.
A curriculum that provides a range of opportunities to develop every child’s sense of what is possible for them to achieve now and in the future. We are committed to removing glass ceilings, helping all children aim high and achieve their end points.
Through our carefully mapped curriculum, children will build upon their knowledge and understanding and develop their skills to become successful citizens in modern Britain. This curriculum will support children’s growth into responsible and emotionally literate citizens with a sense of what is right.
The implementation of the curriculum is underpinned by purposeful, relevant and meaningful learning experiences which aim to engage and motivate children in their learning journey. The curriculum is enriched through the exploration of our school grounds and the local area, visitors to the school, residential visits as well as the use of DEAL (Drama, Engagement and Active Learning)
Children revisit prior learning and build on their previous knowledge and skills as they move through the school year and through the school. We actively encourage children to make connections between their learning in different subject areas to help deepen their understanding of key concepts.
Our Quality First Teaching standard developed with staff embodies our curriculum approach. To learn more about this please click on the Quality First Teach leaf on the curriculum main page.
We value the link between home and school and want parents/carers to be part of their child's learning journey. We share weekly learning via Class Dojo so that parents can see what and how we have been learning and hold a number of presentation evenings where parents can learn more about how to support their child at home.
Our mission is to ensure that every pupil who enters our school leaves at the end of Key Stage Two (KS2) at the Age-Related Expectation (ARE) for all subjects within The National Curriculum. Furthermore, we want to ensure that our children develop into aspirational, successful young people with a deep understanding of our Oak Tree Values, to be safe in the knowledge that they are confident, well-rounded people who are ready for secondary education and later life.
Children’s knowledge, understanding and progress across all subject areas as well as their desire and ability to learn will be measured by:
- Summative assessment
- Formative Assessment
- Lesson Observations
- Learning Walks
- Pupil Voice
- Book Scrutinies
- Mutual observations
- Performance Data
- External critical friends
- Collaborative research projects