Our topic for the Autumn term is Ancient Greece!
In English we will be writing character descriptions of the Minotaur to support our retelling of Greek Myths. During our English lessons we will look at a range of popular myths to understand their structure and features. Following this, we will study the classic tale of ‘Swallows and Amazons’ and use this to support diary writing.
In Maths we will be looking at place value up to four digit numbers. We will be using inequality symbols, value of numbers and using a range of materials to support this. We will also be looking at addition and subtraction, using a range of materials and methods to support us.
As Geographers we will be locating Ancient Greece before focusing on the continent of Europe as a whole. We will be identifying a number of European countries and their capital cities.
As Historians we will examine the Ancient Greek civilisation, exploring their continued legacy and their impact on our lives today. This will involve us studying aspects such as: Ancient Greek culture, democracy, philosophy, rule of law and architecture. In addition to this, we will learn about the Greek gods and the differences between Athens and Sparta.
As Scientists we will be learning about electricity and creating our own electrical circuits. During Autumn 2, we will be learning about the digestive system, including the importance of keeping our teeth healthy.
As Computer specialists we will be creating a simple computer game incorporating mathematical algorithms using programmes such as scratch.
As Artists we will be learning a number of clay techniques in order to produce our own sculptures based on mythical beasts. During Autumn 1, we will be studying the sculptor Alberto Giacometti and creating work inspired by him.
In Beliefs, Values and Worldviews we will be learning about how Jesus inspires Christians. We will also be considering why some people view life as a journey and reflecting on the significant experiences that mark this.
As Engineers (in DT) we will be creating our own electrical alarm system using our knowledge of electrical circuits.
As Musicians we will be creating our own instruments whilst focusing on rhythm. We will also continue to expand our musical terminology.
As linguists, in French lessons we will build on our knowledge and skills from year 3 through a variety of fun activities and learn how to ask and answer more questions with regards to name, age and where we live. We will learn numbers up to 20 and be able to understand how old someone is. By the end of this unit, we will practise our speaking and listening skills to perform short role-plays as well as read and write short passages. We will also learn some new verbs and use the negative to say what we are able and not able to do. We will explore how Halloween, All Saints’ Day and Christmas are celebrated in the some Francophone countries and learn related vocabulary.
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