Our topic for the Autumn term is CRIME and PUNISHMENT.
In English we will be immersing ourselves in 'The Tunnel' written by Anthony Browne and retelling the story in our own words. We will be: using direct speech to move the story on and convey character; using personification to write exciting descriptions and conjunctions to include more information and extend our sentences.
In Maths we will be looking at place value. We will use concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations to recap representations up to 10 million. We will also be looking at developing a deep understanding of the four operations and will use a range of resources to support us.
As Geographers we will carrying out a fieldwork study of Lake Windermere and the surrounding areas. Using atlases, maps and digital maps we will be looking at the geographical features of the area and will examine types of settlement and land uses of the local area. Ordnance survey maps will be used and the children will develop their knowledge of six- figure grid references.
As Historians we will be examining crime and punishment across the ages. We will explore the reasons why people committed crimes in the different eras we have studied throughout KS2. We will look at how crime was dealt with prior to the establishment of a police force and understand how crime is dealt with in Britain today. Following this, we will look at crime and punishment across the world and will be able to justify our own opinion on justice.
As Scientists we will be building upon our knowledge of the human body. We will use investigations and observations to discover how the human circulatory system works. We will examine the function of the heart, blood vessels and blood and discuss the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the human body. In Autumn 2, we will be building upon our knowledge of light. We will use investigations and observations to discover how light travels and explain and demonstrate how we see things. Using this knowledge we will create portable periscopes.
As Computer specialists (in Computing) we are learning to be advertisers and are creating an advert / promotional video for HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) We will be brainstorming ideas, planning a storyboard, decided what camera shots and angles to use as well as persuasive content.
As Musicians we will be learning about the Kodaly method and use it to explore rhythmic patterns. We will listen to Steve Reich's 'Clapping Music' and attempt our own clapping rhythms.
As Artists we will be creating graffiti paintings based upon the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat. We will use his work as the inspiration for our own pieces.
In RE our question is: 'What do religions say to us when life gets hard?' The religions and worldviews that we will discuss and compare include:
Christians, Hindus, Muslims and nonreligious responses (e.g Humanists).
As Engineers (in DT) we will be exploring a range of cams. We will look at creating simple mechanisms with the cams and will apply the knowledge that we have gained in our car project in the spring term. Following this, we will be learning how to combine different fabric shapes. We will use the skills gained through the topic to create a textile product.
Here are some websites that you might find useful: (log in provided by class teacher) (log in provided by class teacher)