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Oak Tree Primary School


Our topic for the Autumn Term is Stones 'n' Bones


In English we will be writing instructions using the text, 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth', followed by a recount and a short setting description on 'Stone Age Boy'. In addition, we will be creating non-chronological reports about Skara Brae and writing our own adventure stories. Throughout the term, we will be learning to use direct speech, correctly using verbs in the 1st and 3rd person, and experimenting with adjectives to create impact.


In Maths we will be looking at place value, expanding on our learning from Year 2. We will be recognising, ordering and comparing numbers up to 1000 using a range of models, images and equipment to support us. We will also be looking at addition and subtraction, completing a range of methods to aid mental and written calculations. During the second half of the Autumn term, we will begin work on multiplication and division, recognising equal groups before moving onto work for the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. 


As Geographers we will be learning about land use in the UK, both historically and now, and how the landscape has changed over time. This links in with our history topic, 'Stones 'n' Bones'. We will also use a range of maps and atlases to locate key counties, cities, mountains and hills of the UK. 


As Historians we will be delving into Britain's oldest history! We will be learning all about the changes in Britain from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age, such as land use, art and culture. We will be using a range of primary and secondary sources to help us find out about and sequence historical events in chronological order. 


As Scientists we will be finding out all about 'What lies beneath our feet?', learning all about rocks and soils, the different types, what they are made from and the different ways in which they form.  We will also be developing our investigative skills by researching into rock erosion and permeability. Later in the term, we will be investigating animals, including humans, looking at types of skeletons as well as the different food groups. 


As Computer specialists (in Computing) we will be creating an animated cartoon using characters that the children design using paint tools and Scratch. This is followed by recognising and finding programming errors and bugs, and exploring creative ways to correct them.


As Artists we will be creating artwork using many different mediums and techniques such as charcoal and batik. Our art work links with our History topic and we will be learning about the earliest artwork ever created, cave paintings! We will learn about the stories they told, why they were so important, the drawings that featured the most and create our very own, inspired by our findings. 


In Beliefs, Values and Worldviews, we will be finding out what different religions believe about God. We will then move on to learning why the bible is important to Christians by looking at special stories used to teach important messages about Christian life. 


As Engineers (in DT) we will be designing, creating and evaluating our own Stone Age snack bars to meet a brief. This will link with our History topic, 'Stones 'n' Bones' as we will only be using ingredients that would have been available during prehistoric times!


As Musicians (in Music), we will be learning all about the features of a ballad, before writing and performing our own. Later in the term, we will be developing our singing techniques and will begin to identify minims, crotchets and quavers, before performing and composing rhythms using notation.   


In PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), our theme is 'Relationships', where we will be recognising respectful behaviour to ourselves and others, as well as understanding the importance of being courteous and polite. As part of our work on anti-bullying, we will develop our awareness of the impact that hurtful behaviours can have on others. 


As Linguists, we will begin our 4 year journey of learning French and exploring the Francophone world. Through a variety of speaking, listening, reading and
writing activities, we will learn some greetings, how to introduce ourselves, ask someone their name, say how we are feeling, numbers up to 10 and colours. As well as vocabulary, we will learn the phonic sounds of these words and be introduced to the grammatical concept of masculine and feminine nouns through vocabulary related to shapes. At Christmas, we will learn how Christmas is celebrated in French speaking countries and learn a Christmas


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