Mike Milne
Mike Milne - Chair (Co-opted Governor)
The time our children spend in primary school has an enormous impact on their future life opportunities. We can all remember how our own primary school experiences helped to shape our world view and laid the foundations of our future lives, even though for some of us it was a very long time ago!
I am passionate about giving all children the best possible experience at Oak Tree,
encouraging a love of learning, and identifying and overcoming obstacles so that each and every child can grow and develop into the best version of themselves.
I was co-opted to the Oak Tree Primary School Governing Body in the Autumn Term 2017 and was appointed to the role as Chair of the Board of Governors in October 2019.
I have a background in NHS primary care dental practice, and postgraduate education and teaching. I enjoy applying my skills and experience in education and quality assurance to inform an external, objective perspective to challenge and support the continuing progress and development of the School.
Our 3 children attended Oak Tree Primary School having recently left for high school at the end of Year 6.
Mike is Chair of governors, EYFS link governor and is a member of the Teaching and
Learning, Resources, Pay and HTPM Committees.