At Oak Tree we want to see:
- Happy, settled children who are secure in rules and routines of school life
- Engaged and motivated children who are eager and ready to learn
- A smooth transition from Nursery to Reception and from Reception into KS1 with children prepared for the next step of their learning.
- Children confident in their reading by the time they leave Reception.
- Children able to write simple sentences by time they start National Curriculum
- Children have developed number sense and are secure with a deep understanding of number up to 10 by the time they leave EYFS
- All children able to access a broad and balanced curriculum
- Strong relationships with parents and carers.
- Children who all make good progress from starting points
- Children who feel cared about, respected and listened to.
- Impact at the end of EYFS is measured through the Early Learning Goals. Historically the percentage of children achieving the GLD within the EYFSP is in line with the national average.