Our topic for the Spring term is Changing Cheadle Hulme
In English we will be writing diary entries and kenning poems from 'The Wind in the Willows', followed by a setting description from the text, 'Journey to the River Sea', which follows the story of a young girl who travels to the Amazon Rainforest. In addition, we will be writing our own stories that contain an issue, inspired by 'Orion and the Dark' and writing formal letters to the selfish king who banned the dark! Throughout the term, we will be learning to use a variety of adverbs, pronouns, fronted adverbials, punctuating speech and using apostrophes to indicate possession.
In Maths, we will begin the term by learning a range of strategies to support the recall of multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 times tables, before moving onto multiplication and division of a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Later in the term, we will be recording lengths using a range of units of measure; such as metres, centimetres and millimetres, before learning how to calculate the perimeter of simple 2D shapes.
As Geographers, we will be looking into our local area, Cheadle Hulme, and how it has changed over time. We will be using a range of maps and atlases to locate a range of human and physical geographical features, and learning about how and why they may have changed over the years.
As Historians, we will be delving into the history of Cheadle Hulme and the development of the railway. This will link closely to our geography unit.
As Scientists, we will be naming the different parts of a flowering plant as well as learning about the important role each part plays in the production of new plants. To develop our investigative skills, we will be comparing the different conditions for plant growth.
As Computer specialists (in Computing) we will be exploring how networks and the Internet work including how to search for information more effectively. This is followed by using a variety of newly acquired word-processing skills to produce a page on Wikipedia. We will also be creating a narrated presentation about ourselves, using Google Slides.
As Artists, we will be researching the famous photographer, Marius Grose, his style of photography and how he uses different techniques to add vibrancy and contrast to his photos - using inspiration from the 1920's artist, Karl Blossfeldt. We will use Marius' images as inspiration for our own piece of artwork, which we will create using pencils (sketching) and paints.
In Beliefs, Values and Worldviews, we will be looking closely at prayers from different religions and finding out why prayer is so important to people. We will also focus on the celebrations of Easter and Eid.
As Engineers (in DT), Year 3 will create their own cushions. Each cushion will represent Cheadle Hulme, past or present, and we will develop our sewing and fabric joining techniques to add detail to our creations.
As Musicians (in Music), we will begin to understand, notate and play pentatonic melodies linked to Chinese New Year, performing our compositions as a group.
In PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), our theme is 'Health and Wellbeing', where we will be developing our understanding of how to support our physical and mental health through making healthy choices and recognising our personal strengths and achievements. We will also be identifying hazards around the home and local environment and steps we can take to keep ourselves safe.
As Linguists, in French lessons we will continue to build on our knowledge of
grammar and phonics and learn the vocabulary for different animals and fruits
using the correct masculine or feminine determiner. We will extend our
sentences by using verbs to say I am, I like and I don’t like to express our
opinions. At Easter, we will find out how April Fools’ Day and Easter are
celebrated in France.
Here are some websites that you might find useful:
https://www.mymaths.co.uk/ (login provided by class teacher)
https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/teacher (login provided by class teacher)